#DuchenneCan Celebrates Individuals Living with Duchenne from All Walks of Life

Witnessing first-hand what people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy CAN do inspired the creation of #DuchenneCan in 2021. The purpose of this global movement is to celebrate remarkable individuals, the people who love and care for them and the groups dedicated to supporting them.
Everyday efforts and achievements that most of us take for granted – such as living independently or navigating a career – can be just as inspiring as the big moments, like graduating from college (which more and more young men with Duchenne are doing).
Since the launch #DuchenneCan has shined a light on unique stories and experiences shared by those living with Duchenne and have generated positive momentum around the globe.
DuchenneCan aims to continue to inspire everyone to create better prospects for the Duchenne community in the future. Join us!
#DuchenneCan TV
The #DuchenneCAN Talk Show series is an extended program of the DuchenneCan movement that provides an engaging platform to discuss topics related to young & adult Duchenne individuals. Featured panelists share their real-life experiences, perspectives and insights about living and persevering with Duchenne.
Do You Have a Story?
Share your #DuchenneCan story with us and/or recommend a person in the Duchenne community who is helping to make a difference.